The Lord healed the breast cancer.

Hi Nigel,
I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. A biopsy was going to be done on a Tuesday. I was scared…more or less ballistic. On the Sunday before, I was in a Church with both hands lifted as high as I could get them and just praising and loving Jesus. All of a sudden, I felt heat begin at the tip of my left third finger, go all the way down my arm, and the heat settled in in my left breast where the cancer was. I knew I was healed. From Sunday until Tuesday, I felt a bubble of love around me and nothing could penetrate it..ALL of my fear was gone!!!! Praise God!
The Dr. went ahead and did the biopsy..NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!
Love and blessings to you and Lynn on your new venture,
Ann H
PS. My lungs have been feeling better since you prayed for me at the end of the healing school at St.. Cyprian’s. My breathing report from Johns Hopkins had not changed from the previous year. Awesome God!!!!
Ann has given me permission to use her story and her full name.

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