The Joy Of Rain.

As a kid growing up in England I have fond memories of rain.
It felt cozy and safe.
My sisters and I wrote and sketched on the condensation on the windows, there was a lot of it as we did not have double glazing! (Not sure if it was even invented yet!)
What to do when it rained?
Funny, I still feel safe and content when it rains.
The music on the windows…
I suppose I am used to it!
I don’t really know why we spoke of the weather all the time as it rained…a lot!
“How’s the weather in your village?”
“It’s raining!”
Kind of redundant, oh well!
“Ok, so what do you want me to do inside when it rains God?”
“How about writing about rain!”
“Good idea God.”
Perhaps God is washing away our sins.
A time to stay in and reflect?
Glorify the Lord, every shower of rain and fall of dew, *
all winds and fire and heat.
Canticle 12 (BCP)
God bless you. Allow Joy of the Lord to fill you when it rains!
~Nigel Mumford+

3 thoughts on “The Joy Of Rain.

  1. Beverly says:

    Very, very lovely post about rain. I love it, too. With my grandmother during rainy summers as a child, that was the best and most creative time ever. Cut and glue…. bake cookies, sew. Quiet centering at its finest. “In quietness and in confidence, Nigel, shall be your strength.” (from Isaiah) FYI, in the 1st paragraph, third line from bottom, a comma would be brilliant as: … rains, God ?” Also last line in same paragraph as: Good idea, God. Commas are used to set off a name of direct address as, ” Where are you, Sally?” ” Alice, how old are you?” Having quotes or not has no bearing on issue. (Bears, do you like wild honey?) Honey, did you empty the dishwasher? Get it? Good work, Father. Again I say, Father, good work. Keep up the good and marvelous writing. Always good to hear from you, Nigel. OR Nigel, always good to hear from you. BSW

  2. kathy says:

    Amen!!! the joy of the Lord when it rains…a moment of rest and quiet in the spirit and a time to be the tender herb of ….Dt.32:2, My doctrine shall drop as the rain. My speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb and as the showers upon the grass.

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