NINE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. 12/23/09 – 12/23/2018
THANK YOU Jesus for the gift of life.
THANK YOU for praying for me.
The Leaves were turning on the trees on 10th Oct 2009 as I took a blue light ambulance to the Saratoga Springs NY hospital. I didn’t notice, I was having a really hard time breathing. After a few days I was intubated and put into an induced coma.
During that time CDC diagnosed me with H1N1 swine flu. Three weeks later I slowly woke up. I had lost 63lbs. After fifty-five day’s I left the ICU to go to rehab on Dec 3rd. That was a grueling and painful time. I had to learn to brush my teeth, eat, drink and eventually walk again. I was released on Dec 23rd 2009 to go home. The leaves were gone and snow was on the ground. What happens to the fall?
Somehow I managed the three steps up into our house and made it to the rented hospital bed in my downstairs den. I confess that during that long slow walk I was beyond emotional. I’m alive… It was realized that after a few hours I needed oxygen. It was delivered very quickly!
Today I give thanks for all of you who prayed that I would live. THANK YOU DEAR SOULS FOR YOU PRAYERS.
Read the full story of my miraculous healing in
“DYING TO LIVE” How Near Death Experiences Increase Our Faith.
Amazon.com / www.ByHisWoundsMinistry.org