The Beggar…

I took this photo in Jerusalem in 1998
I felt that I had been taken back in time about 2,000 years.
The Beggar…
I have been sitting at this same spot
For years.
It is my spot, everyone knows it.
I have my routine.
This is my domain.
I have survived but
I have not thrived
There have been lean days
Then sometimes a generous person
Comes along, to make my day.
People generally are kind
But sadly, some are just nasty to me.
I have taken a couple of kicks …
This one time
It was so unexpected
These two chaps
They came to me, so intent.
They definitely had something on their mind.
I am not really sure I understood what he said,
“Silver and gold have I none”
That’s all I need pal, nothing else!
Silver and gold will get me out of being a beggar!
He grabbed me by the hand
He pulled my up
He mentioned a man I had heard of
Jesus the Christ…
I tottered
What happened?
All I know is, I can walk.
I haven’t walked in years
I didn’t get a hand out
I got a hand up…
How do you know Jesus anyway?
Thanks do much gentlemen.
Thank you Jesus.
Now what do I do?
Fr.Nigel Mumford+
© Copyright:  Nigel W.D. Mumford 2013 All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “The Beggar…

  1. Seth Ndayirukiye says:

    Dear Brother in Christ Fr.Nigel Thank you so much for that post ,may you be blessed and continue to be inspired by the Lord so that you continue being a blessing for many and many especially those in house of believers Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2014 ,may you see the hand of God protecting and leading you day and night throughout the new year 2014,Amen! Lets continue praying for many beggers who still need our attention so that they can be helped to see the Savior!Amen! In Christ Revd.Canon Seth Ndayirukiye Anglican Church of Burundi-Africa

  2. kathy says:

    amen…feed the poor and that being the flesh but also preach the kingdom and that being the far better food, the “hand out” that will sustain the immortal spirit that we may truly live.Praise Jesus

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