Tag Archives: Set free

The Demoniac.

Soul Bytes by
Fr. Nigel Mumford
“Jesus said, ‘Go ahead, but [and] get out of here!’ Crazed, the pigs stampeded over a cliff into the sea and drowned. Scared to death, the swineherds bolted. They told everyone back in town what had happened to the madman and the pigs. Those who heard about it were angry about the drowned pigs. A mob formed and demanded that Jesus get out and not come back.”
 Matthew 8:32-34
Dateline circa 32AD
Today is bad.
Very, very, very bad.
Every day is bad for me.
Days into weeks, months onto years,
Everything is bad for me.
I’ve lost my mind you see…
I scream. I shout. I rant. I rage.
They chain me up when I get wild.
What’s wrong with me?
Who am I?
Where am I?
I cut my body with sharp stones.
I cannot stop.
I don’t know why I cannot stop.
I bleed—- I bleed—–I bleed.
Voices come and scream at me.
I say, “NO! You are too loud!”
But still they scream; they scream at me.
Then somehow a stirring comes . . .
It is not bad; it is good.
This One called Jesus comes by me.
Somehow, He knows just where I am.
He can see me—– me alone,
right where I am.
I see His eyes . . .
I hear His voice . . .
He is enraged, but not at me.
He commands the bad to leave.
And It leaves.
It leaves with the pigs that go running downhill,
galloping, trampling, thundering blindly——
over the cliff, into the sea, the very deep sea.
They disappear, but I am left standing,
standing with Jesus, seeing them gone.
All of them gone. . .
all gone from me!
Peace, at last!
I am set free!
I have my mind back!
My very own mind!
What joy comes to me!
Back in the town, men are upset.
“Not in my backyard!” they shout.
My joy they cannot accept.
Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free!
Free to be the man You made me to be!
Healed! Cured! Happy for the first time in years!
What an awesome God! Awesome God!
I didn’t leave with Jesus.
I stayed.
Now I am mayor of my village.
People are still talking about it today.
So be it. Amen.
Fr. Nigel W.D.Mumford+
© Copyright:  Nigel W.D. Mumford 2014 All rights reserved.

Desensitized. Healing of Combat Trauma.

A Reflection for Combat Veterans
I have just read an email from a combat vet who has just read, “After the Trauma, the Battle Begins: Post Trauma Healing.”
His PTSD trigger is the sound of a helicopter, which would signify danger, the signs of trauma, a life threat in a fire-fight, plus casualties.
These noises would catapult him back forty years. . .noises that would shut him down! He lives near a helicopter port!
Now, he has managed to place Jesus between the helicopter, the threat, and himself.
He has been desensitized, set free by Christ!
Thank You, Jesus.
Personally, I have a neighbor who has all sorts of weapons: single-shot, rapid-fire, automatic, and Black-powder.
Every time he would spend a morning or afternoon firing, I would be triggered.
My mind catapulted to combat memories. . . most unpleasant thoughts.
Now, with Jesus standing between me, the noise, and my unseen neighbor, I am completely at peace.
A gift from God!
I have been desensitized!
Thank You, Jesus.
Let’s not limit God, even after all these years.
Two veterans set free!
Has the Lord set you free yet?
Soul Stirrings. . .
Fr. Nigel Mumford+