Testimony: “I no longer desire tobacco”
The Rev’d. Lionel. England.
My meeting the Rev’d Nigel Mumford came on the evening after Christmas day 1999 at a Boxing Day drinks party at a large house of one of our parishioners. As a Vicar within the Church of England I was not unused to prayers being answered but on this occasion The Rev’d Nigel ‘s ministry left a memorable and lasting impression on me.
The drinks party was formal but with a number of people I know and with whom I felt I could relax. This was particularly welcome after the many services and celebrations during the Christmas period. After several glasses of wine I saw someone smoking. Normally I do not smoke and regard it as an unhealthy and destructive habit. However, my father smoked and before the 2nd World War the family owned a small tobacco business in South London – so smoking was “in the Blood.”
Nigel saw me smoking (I was even wearing my clerical collar) and after a brief introduction and a few words, I admitted a weakness for tobacco and general dislike of inhaling. I also admitted that I was mildly ashamed of this tendency towards tobacco.
“Do you wish to be cured of smoking?” Nigel asked me. I paused, slightly embarrassed, not quite wishing to own up to my occasional habit.
“Well, yes. I suppose I do,” was my reply.
“Give me your smoking hand – the hand in which you normally hold the cigarette.”
I did as Nigel asked.
In the middle of the party, but out of most people’s hearing, Nigel prayed that I may be cured of the desire of smoking. After a brief but intense prayer, he relaxed my hand. I thanked him and carried on talking, having of course extinguished the cigarette!
What was remarkable about this incident was that from that day to this I have not touched a cigarette, even on holiday when I normally have the occasional puff. Furthermore, I no longer desire tobacco. Praise the Lord!
Tag Archives: Healing prayer
Here follows a prayer which you might personalize for a friend in need of healing.
Please use it, filling in the blanks.
Forward this to those in need and then take on to believe for them.
Dear ________ ,
I pray not only for your physical endurance, but also for the emotional toil that you might be
suffering right now.
I pray that Hope abounds again, and some Good News from God will fill your soul.
Jesus, please come alongside ________ in his/her suffering.
God, please present the very Balm of Gilead to sooth the issue and bring all the cells of this concern
into the perfection of The Lord.
Thank You, Jesus, for healing my dear friend/sister/brother, ________.
Thank You, God, for Your healing presence in their lives.
Please, Jesus, put an end to this suffering, take away the pain and the root cause of the pain, and
present Your wonderful healing presence.
Jesus, please heal and cure ________.
We earnestly pray for the supernatural healing presence of Christ upon your very being.
Come on, God, You do it again!
Thank You, God. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Thank You, Holy Trinity.
We pray that angels, archangels and the whole Company of Heaven will fill your house, ________ ,
and put away ALL dis-ease, in Jesus’ most Holy Name. AMEN.
God bless you, ________ .
Fr. Nigel Mumford+