Tag Archives: At peace

Desensitized. Healing of Combat Trauma.

A Reflection for Combat Veterans
I have just read an email from a combat vet who has just read, “After the Trauma, the Battle Begins: Post Trauma Healing.”
His PTSD trigger is the sound of a helicopter, which would signify danger, the signs of trauma, a life threat in a fire-fight, plus casualties.
These noises would catapult him back forty years. . .noises that would shut him down! He lives near a helicopter port!
Now, he has managed to place Jesus between the helicopter, the threat, and himself.
He has been desensitized, set free by Christ!
Thank You, Jesus.
Personally, I have a neighbor who has all sorts of weapons: single-shot, rapid-fire, automatic, and Black-powder.
Every time he would spend a morning or afternoon firing, I would be triggered.
My mind catapulted to combat memories. . . most unpleasant thoughts.
Now, with Jesus standing between me, the noise, and my unseen neighbor, I am completely at peace.
A gift from God!
I have been desensitized!
Thank You, Jesus.
Let’s not limit God, even after all these years.
Two veterans set free!
Has the Lord set you free yet?
Soul Stirrings. . .
Fr. Nigel Mumford+