Proclaiming Christmas

Proclaiming Christmas, forty timeless talks and sermons.
Edited by J. John
A new book containing forty Christmas sermons including Philip Yancy, N.T. Wright, R. T. Kendall, J.John, Nigel Mumford, and thirty five other preachers.
Available at
J.John writes:
Our churches are never better attended than during the Christmas season. This gives a special opportunity to deliver a message to our congregations, to present God Incarnate and to creatively preach the ‘original scrip’. I have asked friends, all know for their gift as creative communicators, to let me have their best Christmas sermon, and the result is this book. This will not only enlighten, encourage and inspire you as you read it, but will inform and equip all preaches with ideas and content.
Also this is for anyone who likes reading sermons (like me) to give you a faith-lift.

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