Blessed are the cracked pots, for they will let in the light.
Blessed are those who leak, the Holy Spirit.
Blessed are the flexible for,they will not be bent out of shape.
Blessed are singers, for they are noteworthy.
Blessed are those who cook, especially for those who don’t.
Blessed are those who laugh for laughter is contagious.
Blessed are those who are healed, as healing is contagious.
Blessed are the cheese makers, because someone has to do it.
Blessed are wheel dealers, for they never get tired.
Blessed are those religious who cook fries, for they shall be know as the chip monks.
Blessed are those who choose the Lord, for they will be blessed.
Blessed are those who smile…
Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6
~Fr. Nigel Mumford+