Desensitized. Healing of Combat Trauma.

A Reflection for Combat Veterans
I have just read an email from a combat vet who has just read, “After the Trauma, the Battle Begins: Post Trauma Healing.”
His PTSD trigger is the sound of a helicopter, which would signify danger, the signs of trauma, a life threat in a fire-fight, plus casualties.
These noises would catapult him back forty years. . .noises that would shut him down! He lives near a helicopter port!
Now, he has managed to place Jesus between the helicopter, the threat, and himself.
He has been desensitized, set free by Christ!
Thank You, Jesus.
Personally, I have a neighbor who has all sorts of weapons: single-shot, rapid-fire, automatic, and Black-powder.
Every time he would spend a morning or afternoon firing, I would be triggered.
My mind catapulted to combat memories. . . most unpleasant thoughts.
Now, with Jesus standing between me, the noise, and my unseen neighbor, I am completely at peace.
A gift from God!
I have been desensitized!
Thank You, Jesus.
Let’s not limit God, even after all these years.
Two veterans set free!
Has the Lord set you free yet?
Soul Stirrings. . .
Fr. Nigel Mumford+

2 thoughts on “Desensitized. Healing of Combat Trauma.

  1. Beverly says:

    This post is very “well done, good and faithful servant.” Oh, leader of the Box Brigade, the Carton Crusade for Christ, and the Victory in Virginia,” pack on, pack up, press on! Bye-bye, high-fire neighbor ! Bradford and I are enroute Sunday, following a star in the East to hear “a high-power, Ballston Spa priest”, asking for healing on Monday of her left lymph neck node and his one-and-only stomach. Pray for us, Sista B.

  2. Beverly Wirth says:

    The process of desensitization is a powerful one, indeed! My years at home growing up were filled with door-slamming by our mother whose emotions were constantly out-of-control. To place Jesus between the shut door (Love was ended.) and myself was a major healing for me. I heartfully recommend this technique for anyone suffering from any trauma. I am grateful to Fr. Nigel for bringing this kind of healing to our attention!

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