Some time ago, I was driving across the north county listening to National Public Radio (NPR).
The news reader read a report from Scotland that a well known
Psychic’s house had burnt to the ground. Apparently he left his “crystal
ball” on the front window sill. He had done this for years! A sort of advertisement to the public. Look at me, I’m a psychic!
This particular day was unusually hot and sunny for Scotland. The fire inspectors report said that the fire started because sun light had reflected through the crystal ball causing a magnifying glass effect on the furniture, thus causing a fire.
I suppose the psychics ability was not in tune that day,
He came home from work to find his house a chard total mess.
The news reporter was laughing so much… Quite unusual for NPR.
Leviticus 19:31
Turn not to those [mediums] who have familiar spirits or to wizards; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.
Amen…Many Sauls today.who will reap the same rewards that the works of the enemy be exposed. I pray they turn from such seducing and familiar spirits.